Project Woodlawn


Develop implements an Environmental Management System with the objective of minimizing environmental risk and seeking to capitalise on the environmental opportunities presented by the project.

A strong focus of our operation is striving to meet the expectations of our local community. The minimum acceptable level of environmental performance is compliance with all regulatory obligations.

Key documents of our management system that steer the way we monitor, manage and improve our environmental performance are detailed below:

Management Plans

Our management plans are periodically reviewed and updated where necessary to ensure ongoing effectiveness and compliance with regulatory conditions. Routine inspections and audits are undertaken to check performance and environmental data collected from across the Woodlawn site is regularly reviewed to inform management actions.


Rehabilitation Management


The purpose of exploration is to locate areas where mineral and petroleum resources may be present, to establish the quality and quantity of those resources, and to investigate the viability of extracting the resource.

Before exploring for minerals or petroleum in NSW, an explorer must be granted an Exploration Licence (EL) or an Assessment Lease (AL) under the Mining Act 1992 or a Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL) or an Petroleum Assessment Lease (PAL) under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 by the Department of Regional NSW.

Before a prospecting title holder can access land for exploration, a written land access arrangement must be in place between the landholder and the title holder.

For the most up to date information about exploration, please visit the link below from the NSW Government:


Develop Global Limited is committed to consulting with the wider community and strives to achieve a high standard of community awareness and communication. The company is also committed to using local suppliers and employing local staff wherever possible. To request a copy of Develops Community Consultation Policy please click on the link below:

Develop NSW Community Consultation Policy

For the most up to date information about the Public Consultation and Community Awareness in NSW, please visit the link below from the NSW Government:

Woodlawn Community Documents

Woodlawn CCC Meeting Minutes